Mass Payments

Perform real-time bulk crypto payments under DeFi protocol (without signing up beneficiaries)

About the service

Through UNIGATE, the merchant can perform bulk payments to multiple beneficiaries to their respective wallet addresses, all at once.

This is a file-based batch processing mechanism where the beneficiary details are filled under the prescribed format , uploaded into our platform in csv and processed into payments in real time.

UNIGATE being in existence entirely on the ethos of DeFi (decentralized over transaction, onboarding, wallets - everything related to the transactional independence of its users) - Mass payments are performed immediately on the file upload - without the need of beneficiary sign-up, without the hassle of any payment validation from payer/payee, and with supreme privacy of payer and payee data.

Uploading here soon

Steps to perform mass payments, supported by screenshots

File format for bulk upload

Last updated