Merchant Competition Mapping

Product Competition Table

What places Unigate miles ahead of competition today

All the services commonly used on other platforms for personal and merchant services - are centralized. UNIGATE provides these services on DeFi protocols (Decentralized Finance).

What is Centralized? What are the risks of transacting on centralized platforms?

Centralized means all the control, core systems and processors, wallets, user identity, are under the control of the proprietary software.

Consequences are:

  • User has no control on their own funds

  • Extensive signup formalities and delayed KYC approval

  • Requirement of trusting multiple third parties to perform different roles in a single transaction

  • Fee payments to these third parties makes the transaction processing expensive.

How does UNIGATE resolve this

UNIGATE brings the best of Merchant Services and Personal User services - under its platform which entirely runs on the DeFi protocols.

Benefits are:

  • No signup required. No KYC required.

  • Users have real control over their personal data, and funds in crypto wallets

  • The system is 'Trustless' - No requirement of trusting, involving of third parties and paying fees to them to process a transaction.

  • All transactions are processed independently through smart contracts where no central point of authority, not even UNIGATE, can modify or interfere in any user's transaction processing.

Being decentralized was the essential purpose behind the establishment of cryptocurrencies today, and UNIGATE, true to that spirit, keeps every functional element decentralized.

Tools Competition Table

Services with UNIGATE

Merchant: Invoicing, Mass Payouts, Plugins for eCommerce sits, Settlement (Liquidation) into Fiat

End User Services: P2P Payment, Stake, Swap, Yield Farming, Pool and other services being developed, under roadmap

Platform Strengths: DeFi, Multi-Bridge, Support 6 blockchains

Last updated